The Global Center for Advanced Studies is an independent, global movement for the transformation of higher learning seeking to provide its own accredited, graduate level degrees and public outreach programs that address foundational, historical and theoretical issues of contemporary global concern. At present, while initially seeking authorization from the appropriate state agencies and ultimately moving toward accreditation, GCAS is partnering through existing, already-accredited institutions to procure advanced degrees as well as academic/professional development seminars.
The Center seeks to offer programs leading to both masters and doctoral degrees, in which students will undertake interdisciplinary courses of study with top internationally recognized scholars from all over the world, and within a global network of partnering institutions. The opportunities for intellectual development afforded by both the Center and its partners leads to multiple possibilities for global leadership and professional advancement in such fields as higher education, international educational development, public policy, and the arts and media.
The Center maintains general forums, publications, and other venues that engage academics, professionals, community leaders, and policy makers in fostering effective dialogue for mutual pursuit of the common good.